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Historic District Commission Minutes 05/02/2016

Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting

Monday, May 2, 2016

Memorial Town Hall, 52 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT
REGULAR: John Pfeiffer (Chairman), John Forbis (Vice Chairman), Jim Bechtel, Barbara Traskos, Dini Mallory
Alternate: Cindy Taylor
Jeff Cooley (Alternate)
Rowland Ballek, Alison Mitchell, David Rufo
Call to order, Quorum call, Approval of minutes, Communications
Public Open Forum
Zoning update
Plaque Program Update: 4 Johnnycake Hill Road, 206 Mile Creek Road, 209 Mile Creek Road, 6 Ferry Road, 10 Ferry Road, 110 Lyme Street, Old Lyme Beach Club
Secretary’s Report
Any other new or old business to come before the Commission (HD handbook reprint, 4 Ferry Road Porch)
A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman John Pfeiffer.  John Forbis made a motion, seconded by Jim Bechtel, to approve the April minutes. Jim Bechtel, John Pfeiffer, John Forbis, and Dini Mallory voted in favor, motion passed.

1. Communications: Bob McCracken informed the HDC that the FCCOL will replace the porch on the house at 4 Ferry Road with an exact copy of what is currently there. As it is “Like for Like” the HDC will not need a CofA application.
2. Zoning Update: no update

3. Public Open Forum: no participation

4. 30 Lyme Street Fence: Anthony Kornacki was not able to attend the meeting. Mr. Kornacki would like the CofA application which was approved in September 2012 to be extended. The fencing project was approved but was not fully completed. Mr. Kornacki would like to finish the project by installing a picket fence across the front yard. The fence would match the picket fences on the north and south sides of the property.
Jim Bechtel made a motion, seconded by John Forbis to approve the CofA extension with the same conditions as the original application. All present voted in favor, motion passed.

5. 100 Street, Bee & Thistle Inn: David Rufo submitted a CofA to install a patio on the south side of the building to accommodate outside diners. The patio dimensions would be 18 feet by 47 feet, with a crushed stone base topped by 4” of compacted crushed stone.  The patio area is 4 feet lower than the driveway and so the tables, chairs, and umbrellas would be partly screened by the driveway. Some lighting will be installed but it will be low, and there will be strings of LED lights on the ground along the edge of the patio.
Existing doors will be used to access the patio.
John Forbis made a motion, seconded by Jim Bechtel, to approve the CofA for one year. All present voted in favor, motion passed.

4. Plaque Program Update: Martha Hansen
206 Mile Creek Road: Research has been started on the neighboring property to help clarify the history of #206.
209 Mile Creek Road: Martha Hansen and Patricia Shippee will be doing some more research at the CT State Library this month.
6 Ferry Road: Julie Quinn is working on the research.
10 Lyme Street Village Shops: Martha Hansen will get the materials together for this. The HDC has information about when the shops were constructed.  
10 Ferry Road: David Rahr is interested in a plaque, Martha Hansen will follow up.
110 Lyme Street: John Noyes has been contacted about a plaque for his house at 110 Lyme Street, he is working on the research.
32 Lyme Street: Cindy Taylor is interested in a plaque. The HDC has some information about when the house was built.
Old Lyme Beach Club: Alison Mitchell and Rowland Ballek submitted an application for a Historic Plaque for the OLBC. The club purchased the property in 1939 from Wolcott Lane who purchased the land from the Garvin’s in 1905. Mr. Lane built the club in 1907 and collaborated with St. George’s Episcopal Church in New York to create a fresh air camp for boys known as Camp Rainsford. The building used by Camp Rainsford is the same building used now for the Beach Club.  The wording of the plaque will be Wolcott G. Lane “Camp Rainsford” ca 1907.    
Action: Order plaque (Martha Hansen).

5. Secretary’s Report:
a) The commission plans to apply for a grant to help pay for updating and expanding the Historic District Handbook. Martha Hansen has been in touch with Mary Dunne of the CCC&T regarding monthly grant deadlines.
Action: Prepare grant application (Martha Hansen).

6. Any Other New or Old Business:
John Forbis reported on the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS), a network of coastal sites designed to study and protect estuarine systems. NERRS will be studying various waterways that connect to Long Island Sound. Sites are still being selected, and the Connecticut River is being considered.  John will be on the committee. The FRA will be notified also.

John Pfeiffer stated that Old Lyme has 25-30 properties that could qualify to be listed on the National Register. He would like to know what the procedure is, and how much it would cost to have the properties listed.
Dini Mallory commented that Daniel McKay, of the CT Trust, is now in the process preparing an application to have the whole town of Old Lyme given a National Treasures designation by the National Trust.
Action: Contact Daniel McKay regarding the process of listing properties on the National Register and report back to the HDC (Martha Hansen).
7. Adjournment:
John Forbis made a motion, seconded by Jim Bechtel, to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 am. All present voted in favor, motion passed.

Martha Hansen
Recording Secretary

NOTICE: Messages to or from the Town of Old Lyme domain are subject to the Freedom of Information statutes and regulations.